Saturday 5 January 2019

Phylum porifera


                                          phylum porifera 


    the word porifera derived from two wordes :

               (  pourus means pores/holes )

               (  ifera  means to bear  )

               These organisms are also called SPONGES.  

  •       It means that porifera consist of those animals   

                  which have pores on their body.


Also Read => CELL BIOLOGY 

       HABITAT :-

                             They are live in both fresh water and

                   in sea water ( marine ).

        SKELETON :-

                                       Mostly all organisms of porifera 

                   have skeleton but some have lake it.Their 

                    skeleton is made of tiny, needle-like splinters,

                   or a mesh of protein called spongin.

         OSTIA :-

                        On the surface of body a small holes are 

                    present which help in the entry of water etc

                    are called Ostia.

          OSCULUM :-                                                     (Read.. APOPTOSIS)       

                       The big opening which open to the inside of       

                       body called Osculum.


         FLAGELLA :-

                        On the tip of osculum a hairs like structures 

                         present called flagella.

                           Flagella continue beating and occur entry of


         REPRODUCTION :-

                         Porifera have sexual and A-sexual both 

                         reproduction and the sexual reproduction

                         is occur inside of the body.


                          The fertilization occur by the fusion of OVA 

                           and Sperm.

        LOCOMOTION :- 

                            The porifera are motionless or stationary and 

                             are attached to other substances like rock etc.

         RESPIRATION :-

                             The respiration occur through the surface of

                             the body.



                           IMPORTANCE OF SPONGES


  •                 Sponges are used in washing and bathing.
  •                 Sponges are used to absorb water .
  •                 It is also used as surgical tool.
  •                 Sponges have the ability to absorb noise so used                                                  in building walls.       

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