Friday 4 January 2019

Cell Biology

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          All cells around the world are uncountable.  As we cannot count it so we          have to read easily something then we create ways for learn something easily. 

                        The world of cells is also difficult and complex as like our            world. Like not all cells are the same every cell have different size, shape,                composition, structure and function.So it is impossible to study cell in the same      subject Biology. For that purpose we create an isolated branch to understand        cell easily and to a deep extent.....

 Cell Biology :-


          The biological science which deals with study of structure, function,

     molecular organization, growth reproduction and genetic of the cell is 

      called Cytology/ Cell Biology. 


        The word cytology is made up of two Greek words :

            ( kytos...means = hollow vessel or cell )

            ( Logous means = to discuss or to study)

        Most of the cell biology is devoted toward the structure and functions

        of specialized cells. o on the basis of these specialized cells we study a 

        lot of cells. It's mean that a few specialized cell provide us a very large

        amount of knowledge about the cell.


                             PLANTS CELL (Structure)

                            ANIMALS CELL(Structure)

                                     In cell biology the biologists use different method to 

        study the cell and it's organelles at very depth by techniques and co-


         i.e Staining, Electrophoresis and centrifugation etc.

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